Succesfull collaboration Coolworld

As an International Marketing department, we needed a tool to improve our way of working (together) and work more according to a process.

The need for a new tool

As an International Marketing department, we needed a tool to improve the way we work and we faced the need to work more according to a process. This journey started in the beginning of 2023. A short conversation with Walter got us excited about Monday.

We took the time to improve our processes, we invited the whole team to make a wish list and thought about how we could roll out this new tool within our Team the best way.

Trust in the Sales Studio

We decided to move forward with The Sales Studio because they gave us the confidence we were looking for.  They just needed one word and knew how to turn our needs and processes directly into Monday. Throughout the process we worked closely together and were able to move quickly. For every question, time was taken to give us explanations.

This resulted in a professional start with Monday, a very good basis on which we can build further with the support of The Sales Studio.

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